Having destiny helpers who will defy all odds to support us is a great blessing. Sometimes, when we face difficult situations, we might feel that God has abandoned us.
A genuine service with a holy heart is required by God to be a friend of God, for the Bible say our God is holy and those that serve him must serve in truth.
God’s promises never fail, and His words always manifest when we step out in faith to act on them.
As Christians, we should strive to learn from the sincerity and innocence of children. Unlike adults, children do not hold grudges and trust their parents completely. They smile genuinely and speak the truth without diplomacy or cynicism.
Christians are the light of the world. Jesus Christ, the light of the world, is living inside of us, so, we must radiate that light that is in us through our lifestyle. God wants our lives to be shining for Him.
Whatever may come your way, know that God is always there. Let that knowledge calm the raging storm inside you; soon enough it will calm the storm on the outside too.
God’s word gives light to every area of one’s life. Regardless of how confused one could be, the word of God is potent to give light and direction. There is practically nothing happening in our contemporary world, that has not at one time or the other been faced by...
We often consciously or unconsciously prepare for so many things in this world. As students, we prepare for our tests and examinations by reading our notebooks and preparing to go on the school bus by waking up early in the morning to arrive at the bus stop on time.
When darkness is mixed up with light, vision is vague and the destination becomes uncertain. We learn from our Father that how we treat darkness may be highly connected to how far we will ever accomplish in life.
The reason why most of us give up on life’s journey easily is that we are relying on our strength, wisdom, and intellect rather than placing our trust in His strength.