When we stay idle and do nothing, we miss out on the opportunity to receive God’s blessings in whatever we do. So, with this assurance of God’s blessing in whatever we do, let’s launch out in faith and make a difference out there.
As Christians, our aspiration should be to seek and embrace divine wisdom, allowing it to shape our thoughts, actions, and relationships, ultimately manifesting the love and character of Christ in our lives.
Having an excellent spirit can help you overcome the toughest challenges in life with self-determination, regardless of the circumstances or obstacles you face. If you have an excellent spirit, you will stand out among others, just as Daniel did.
God wants people to come to Him merely because they have seen your beauty. Can your beauty draw anyone to Christ or repel them away from Christ?
Cast all your cares, anxieties, worries, and concerns on Him, for He cares about you with the deepest affection and watches over you very carefully.
God’s promises never fail, and His words always manifest when we step out in faith to act on them.
Every failure is a stepping stone to success. Failure is an opportunity to learn and change. Learning and change leads to growth. Successful people are not those who never failed, but those who failed, but got back up again.
The enemy is always watching for our weaknesses, but we have a supportive group of witnesses who encourage us to overcome discouragement and persist in our faith.
As a parent, have you noticed negative patterns in your children, such as habits, broken marriages, anger, infidelity, or hereditary sicknesses like diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, or untimely death? These patterns are established due to errors made by parents, curses in operation, or evil covenants entered into. If...
By turning our worries into praises and weeping into wonders, we can reach a stage where it becomes difficult for the devil to make us cry. We must remember that without putting in effort, we cannot expect any rewards or gains.