Friend, it's okay to be strange in this world. We were called from darkness into His marvellous light. Why mingle with darkness just to fit in?
You may not always feel like praying, pray still. When you're not in the ‘mood’ of worship, worship still. Even though telling the truth might result to unpleasant consequences, still tell the truth.
Shifting grounds is a human tendency when faced with difficult situations. Satan also uses this tactic against a child of God.
When you understand the enemy’s tactics, it is easier to remain resilient and fight the good fight with the resources God has made available.
Research suggests that our brains don’t inherently distinguish what’s crucial from what isn’t. It falls upon us to permeate a situation with significance so our minds retain it. This might explain why a random person’s name slips our memory, simply because we didn’t perceive them as significant in that...
Considering the expectations of the One who created us, it’s imperative to be even more diligent. We will be held accountable for our actions when we leave this earth.
Have you ever held on to a promise from a close friend who eventually disappointed you? Perhaps you might have said something with the hope that you would hold unto your word, but you couldn’t fulfill your word. It is true that we fail many times to keep our...
When God gives you an invitation to come to his presence for the banquet with the Bread of Life (the place of sweet communion and fellowship), what will you do? Accept it and enjoy the living water and the living bread that forever satisfy or give excuses because of...
Until you’re tired of a situation, you may never get out of it. If you don’t say no, the devil will keep saying yes. Don’t assume that God or everyone knows that you’re fed up with the unpleasant condition.
As Christians, we receive words of prophecy and words of hope from the Lord to run throughout the year. We hold unto these words, waiting for their manifestations.
We have been set free from sin. We can no longer live as we did in the past. We are now new in Christ. We can no longer obey our fleshly lust or do things as it pleases us. We are now slaves, not of sin, but of God....