Train Your Spirit: A Spiritual Call to Action

Scripture Reference: 1 Timothy 4:8
Throughout history, many people have held a common belief that some sins are “small,” while others are “big.” Thankfully, the transformative power of the Gospel has enlightened countless hearts and communities, shattering this outdated notion. However, despite this progress, there are still individuals who wrestle with understanding sin’s true nature. They often excuse their behaviors by insisting that as long as they steer clear of grave transgressions—such as theft, murder, or adultery—they can afford to overlook smaller offenses like lying, cheating, and harboring envy.
It’s crucial to recognize that all these actions originate from the same troubling source: the works of the flesh. Those who are not firmly rooted in Christ and walking in the Spirit can be remarkably susceptible to the devil’s deceptive influence, which may lead them astray in profound and damaging ways. Before you find yourself breathing a sigh of relief, thinking that this doesn’t apply to you, take a moment to reflect. It is entirely possible to cultivate behaviors that train your flesh to resist the Spirit. Each time you neglect the sacred practice of prayer, turn a deaf ear to the teachings of Scripture or resist the gentle prompting of the Spirit’s guidance, you are unwittingly fortifying your flesh and conditioning it to turn away from God’s voice. If these patterns persist, you might become increasingly proficient in outright disobedience.
Eventually, you may attend church regularly while your heart remains hardened and distant from God’s presence. At this point, the Word of God might struggle to reach your spirit, and you could unwittingly become comfortable with sin—regardless of whether you perceive it as “small” or “big.” Just as it is possible to train your flesh in ways that lead away from God, the Bible offers a powerful reminder that dedicating ourselves to spiritual exercise produces immeasurable benefits.
Romans 6:13 calls us to present our bodies as instruments of righteousness, urging us to engage in actions that bring glory to God actively. Even when prayer feels burdensome or uninviting, make the effort to pray anyway. When worship is far from your mind, take the time to worship regardless. And when honesty could lead to uncomfortable situations, choose to speak the truth no matter the cost. Each of these seemingly small decisions strengthens your spirit, drawing you closer to the Holy Spirit and aligning your heart with God’s will.
Make it your top priority to build your spiritual strength today. By taking decisive action, you prepare yourself to confront life’s challenges head-on and cultivate a resilient spirit that remains firmly aligned with God’s purpose for your life.