Believing in Jesus gives you the access to eternal life
Trust in God's divine promises and obedience to his word are sure anchors for our souls.
What struck me the most was how humble and lowly Jesus was despite being the great king of the universe. He was not riding on a Lamborghini or limousine.
The enemy is always watching for our weaknesses, but we have a supportive group of witnesses who encourage us to overcome discouragement and persist in our faith.
Creating broken cisterns for ourselves involves relying on our own strength, depending on our own understanding, and basking in our past glories. God is the source of living waters that can satisfy our thirsty souls, and He never runs dry. Forsaking the Lord is evil and is rooted in...
As an earthly father rejoices when his son behaves like him, our heavenly father rejoices when our lifestyle reflects his glory. Our thoughts, actions, and dispositions must reflect Jesus.
Divine direction is readily available but how ready are we to submit to God’s leading? We must not let it come to the point where God would have to compel us to appear in His presence through various measures.
To be free from sin and be saved, man has done so many things. But can man save himself from sin? The answer is NO because it’s not his sin that makes him a sinner rather he sins because he is a sinner. He was born a sinner, he...
At times the spiritual warfare in life can reach a fever pitch. Satan knows when you are approaching a breakthrough threshold in the advancement of the kingdom of Christ. Being spiritual does not make you immune from attack, but the Lord will prepare you for any battle.