The Pain of Waiting

1Samuel 13:1-15
I will implore you to please read the above bible verse to have a better understanding of what you are reading now. It was an interesting story of a young King (30 years old) who had just reigned for one year. As a young energetic man, he is very dynamic and result oriented, yet he loves to seek the face of God for directions and instructions. This young king faced a usual challenge that is common to many kingdoms at that time. He was attacked by his enemies.
King Saul took the responsibility to summon the soldiers in preparation for battle against the enemies. However, he consulted the prophet of God for instructions and directions from God. The prophet Samuel was known for his accurate and precise message from God. He was highly revered as a man of God who chose Saul as the King and anointed him according to the word of God. So, it is the right thing for Saul to seek counsel from this man of God.
Samuel instructed that Saul should meet him at the mountain for a prayer offering unto the Lord. At this time, Saul was ready for anything that would grant him victory. So, he rushed down to the mountain and got everything ready for the sacrifice till Samuel would come. However, Samuel did not come as expected. Saul waited for seven days and felt disappointed. Amid hopeful waiting comes the pressure from the soldiers and the citizens. They couldn’t understand why the king would not give an instruction to fight since they have been waiting for seven days. They decided to leave him. Perhaps, some of them would have said, ‘I don’t think this king knows what he is doing, he is just keeping us waiting here for nothing.‘
As the waiting becomes painful and burdensome, Saul chose to act according to his human wisdom. He instinctively decided to offer the sacrifice without waiting for Samuel. Unfortunately, just after he completed the rituals, Samuel appeared. Saul did not feel like he had done anything wrong, after all, it was Samuel that did not keep to the appointment. So, he promptly defended his course and expected Samuel to pat him on the back saying ‘you have done well to save the day since I came late.’
The response from Samuel revealed God’s intention for the delay. It was an intentional delay to test Saul’s patience and teach him total reliance on God. Saul failed the test of patience because of the pain of waiting.
This story is loaded with so many lessons. Waiting on God for intervention and instructions could be a test of our patience and trust in God. When we wait on God, our expectations are high and our instincts act on our behalf many times to take actions that are not God’s actions. Even when such actions seem right, they could be out of order when it is done out of impatience.
Hence, the word of Prophet Isaiah about those waiting on God is very helpful when we experience the pains of waiting. He said, those who wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength…(Isaiah 40:28-31). What we need to ask God when waiting becomes a burden is a new strength from God. We need this strength to keep waiting on him till He will fulfill His promises.
God would never disappoint us. He would surely do what He has promised. He would never let us down. All we need to do is to trust Him for who He is. We must believe everything He had told us. Though it may be painful and stressful to wait, keep waiting for He will surely come.