The Blessedness of Fatherhood

“As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be the father of a multitude of nations.” – Genesis 17:4
The role of a father in a child’s life cannot be over-emphasized. Fathers are feathers, always there to support, guide, and watch their children’s backs in order not to fall.
Likewise, as children of God, God allows for the possibility of a father our spiritual leader, to nurture and be a blessing to us.
All we are required to do is to follow their leading with the right heart. That’s the only way we can get the best out of their fatherhood.
The blessedness of fatherhood
Training: (Romans 22:6) A father teaches courtesy and character. Hebrews 13:7
There are more occupational pastors than fathers in the body of Christ.
Ask yourself, what are you becoming under your father?
Rebuke and correction: (1 King 1:6) Be careful when you are in a system that gratifies you at all costs. Hebrews 12:5 (TPT). Correction and rebuke are God’s mercy
Exodus 18:1-24.
Godly motivation: A father charges and brings out the champion in his son. He challenges him.
Figure of accountability: (Judges 14:9) If Samson had told his parents he killed a lion, and ate the honey from the carcass, he would have been cautioned that part of the requirement of being a Nazarene is that he can’t eat from the dead things. But since he wasn’t accountable, he couldn’t be corrected…..even in his choice of a wife.
A father is a partner in warfare: (2 King 13:14)
Godly pattern: (Isaiah 51:1-2)
Fathers are destiny archers. (Genesis 49:1)
Do you have a spiritual father? Are you a spiritual father or a biological father? Rise up to the task of learning from your spiritual fathers and becoming a valuable father to your biological and spiritual father. it is a blessing to be a father.