My Deliverer

Psalm 34:19: “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.”
Psalm 34:19 states that although the righteous may encounter various afflictions, the Lord will rescue them from all of their troubles. Affliction can refer to physical or mental suffering, which can manifest in various forms such as poverty, sickness, unemployment, depression, and so on. It is important to remember that being a Christian or a believer does not exempt one from facing troubles in life.
The psalmist offers words of encouragement to believers who are going through intense suffering, assuring them that God will rescue them from their afflictions. In this verse, the term “deliver” signifies that the Lord will save the righteous from difficult times and from those who cause harm. Even when David found himself in a cave during his exile, he had faith that the Lord would safeguard and protect him from any danger.
It is worth noting that righteousness does not guarantee a life devoid of affliction and evil. However, God promises to deliver and rescue the righteous individual from tribulations and difficult times. In fact, God can use calamity to shape the character of believers as they strive to become more like Christ. It is important to remember that affliction, persecution, and adversity are not always indicative of someone being evil and receiving just consequences for their actions.
Jesus, being righteous and sinless, faced affliction and persecution. Those who have experienced heartbreak and suffering can take comfort in the fact that affliction is temporary and that God will ultimately rescue and redeem them. There is always hope, even in the midst of suffering.
To all believers reading this, take comfort in the assurance that the Lord has not forsaken you in times of affliction. He is faithful to deliver you from every hardship, just as He aided David in overcoming his trials.