Living Out the Truth

For the Truth’s sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us forever (2 John 2 )
The Obvious Lies
We live in a dispensation where the devil has sold many lies to people, and they choose to live the lies. This is not strange because the devil has been lying from the beginning and has always used that as his strategy to get people to do his bidding. Some of the lies most men have bought cheaply from Satan include:
God does not love them, and nobody else does
It is their fate to be sick and never get a cure
They are the worst sinners and can never be redeemed
They cannot live without that ugly and sinful lifestyle.
Many men have bought these lies. It is pertinent to add that we cannot live according to the Truth if we hold unto the enemy’s lies.
The Truth Revealed
Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32). Jesus made clear to the Pharisees and the Sadducees how their hearts were captivated by the lies of the devil. Unknowingly to them, they are in captivity. Jesus revealed himself as the TRUTH in John 14:6.
Jesus answered I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. That was the first revelation of the TRUTH. Now, the truth lives in us and manifests Himself in us when we live for Him.
How can we live out the Truth in this present world and age?
2 John 1 – 6 gives us a picture of what it means to live according to the Truth.
- It is first to accept the Truth – Jesus Christ, the Resurrected Lord!
The Truth sanctifies (John 17:17). Conscious and deliberate feasting on God’s word flushes out the satanic lies from our minds. The word of God flushes out evil devices, deception and all forms of unrighteousness. It also keeps our hearts fresh and well-conditioned for communion with the Holy Spirit.
Stand for the Truth against all odds. Do not allow any compromise of your stance for the Truth.
- Live out the Truth – practice all the teachings of Jesus, for they are the Truth and life. Show love, care and honesty rather than revenge, envy and cruelty.
Finally, because the Truth is in us, we are enabled to obey God\’s command (2 John 4, Living Bible). No force of trending evils or unrighteousness should take us away from the Truth. Rather, the power of the Truth will make us follow godliness and righteousness as we await the Second Coming of the Master.