Do You Trust God Enough?

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6
King Solomon is known for his great words of wisdom given to the Israelites during his reign as the king. The above Verses of the scriptures talk about trusting in the Lord. Agreeably, it may be difficult for human beings to trust in an invisible God. Hence, people struggle with trusting God completely for their lives, especially in tough situations.
It is expedient to trust God with all our hearts and not depend on what we know or have acquired. Allowing God to direct every bit of step we take makes Him direct every track we follow. Knowing what lies ahead is difficult for man but it is the easiest thing for God to do when you put your trust in Him. You may not know what to do at a given period but the trust you have in God according to king Solomon’s message to us will give you the right and best solution to the puzzles of your heart.
Instead of leaning on your understanding, wisdom, and knowledge accrued in this world, the best thing you can give yourself is trusting in the Lord, and giving your all to Him. Psalms 20:7 says some trusts in chariots, and some in horses but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.
Trusting in the Lord gives no room for doubt even when the situation seems shaky because God sees what lies ahead of every creature. Why not trust in God?
You cannot trust in someone that you don’t know, as such, you must know whom you want to put your trust in which is God through His only son, Jesus Christ.
To be able to put your total trust in God and for Him to direct all your ways, you must:
1. Surrender your all to the Lord.
2. Believe and acknowledge that He is the only savior you’ve got and He will direct your path.
3. Live a life of Jesus after surrendering all 2Corinthains 5:15 And that He died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him which died for them and raise again. God is a part of every area of your life and He wants you to be on the right path.
4. Be intimate with God. The only way you can be intimate with God is through constant prayer life and the study of the word of God.
5. There are blessings for those who trust in the Lord. Psalms 84:12 Oh Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee.
In conclusion, God’s word is the most assured word that anyone can rely on because He is ever committed to His word. Trusting God for His word might seem like a great risk because you have not seen Him, yet you have seen His works and testimonies had proved that God is committed to His word.
Prayer Point – Lord Jesus, I know you are the only true God, help me to trust you with my all. Amen.