When darkness is mixed up with light, vision is vague and the destination becomes uncertain. We learn from our Father that how we treat darkness may be highly connected to how far we will ever accomplish in life.
Your failure to understand “the process of time” may make you jump or cut corners of the real process. Of course, you will arrive somewhere or become something but my question is, would you become what God created you for or the kind of product He wants you to...
As Christians, we receive words of prophecy and words of hope from the Lord to run throughout the year. We hold unto these words, waiting for their manifestations.
When a man enjoys rest from the Lord, they experience freedom from confusion, worry, stress, and all forms of emotional and spiritual disturbances. However, this experience comes when you allow the Lord Jesus in your heart, submit to Him, and dwell in His presence.
Our hearts (minds) produce our thought and that leads mostly to our actions. Every thought comes out of our heart, this is why the Bible says: guard your heart diligently, out of it comes the issue of life (Proverb 4:23).
The reason why most of us give up on life’s journey easily is that we are relying on our strength, wisdom, and intellect rather than placing our trust in His strength.
Divine direction is readily available but how ready are we to submit to God’s leading? We must not let it come to the point where God would have to compel us to appear in His presence through various measures.
Dearly beloved, do not be caught napping. Don’t wait until you are dead before you reset the essential step you ought to have taken while alive like the dead rich man who was begging for an opportunity to come back to recount his story.
As much as we understand God’s ability to deliver from every trouble, we should also be aware that Satan and his cohorts have no pleasure in our escape. That is, Satan and his human agents don’t want you to escape their traps.
God, the maker of the universe and maker of man highlighted instructions for man to keep him safe and prosper. For a man to optimally function as divinely designed, he must follow the instructions of his maker. In the beginning, God’s plan is for man to live eternally, multiply...