It is worth noting that righteousness does not guarantee a life devoid of affliction and evil. However, God promises to deliver and rescue the righteous individual from tribulations and difficult times.
Cast all your cares, anxieties, worries, and concerns on Him, for He cares about you with the deepest affection and watches over you very carefully.
As a parent, have you noticed negative patterns in your children, such as habits, broken marriages, anger, infidelity, or hereditary sicknesses like diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, or untimely death? These patterns are established due to errors made by parents, curses in operation, or evil covenants entered into. If...
David is a great example of someone who never stopped praising God, even in the toughest of times. He knew that God was with him through thick and thin, and he never hesitated to give Him the glory.
Carefully take a personal reflection on the following what God is telling you on every step and decision you are taking or about to take.
Is God leading you or you are leading yourself?
Our hearts (minds) produce our thought and that leads mostly to our actions. Every thought comes out of our heart, this is why the Bible says: guard your heart diligently, out of it comes the issue of life (Proverb 4:23).
As much as we understand God’s ability to deliver from every trouble, we should also be aware that Satan and his cohorts have no pleasure in our escape. That is, Satan and his human agents don’t want you to escape their traps.