How Prepared are You?

MATTHEW 25:1-13
Preparation, they say, is the answer to opportunity. We often consciously or unconsciously prepare for so many things in this world. As students, we prepare for our tests and examinations by reading our notebooks and preparing to go on the school bus by waking up early in the morning to arrive at the bus stop on time.
However, getting ready for the second coming of our bridegroom (Jesus Christ) is cogent because His coming is imminent. I want us to unconsciously prepare for eternity each day. Each day we live has an impact on our lives after this world. Hence, careful living is essential to avoid regrets afterward.
Interestingly, hell is a place where no special preparation is required. It can allow anything and anyone. Our Lord Jesus told us that Wide is the way that leads to destruction (hell) and many are those that walk in it (Matthew 7:13). It is going to heaven that needs or requires adequate preparation like the parable of the ten virgins. Only the prepared can make heaven.
This preparation starts with you receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior, then, living daily with all carefulness and above sin. For you to live above sin every day, you have to be living in the consciousness of eternity each day i.e. living as if Jesus will come today. It also requires the infilling of the Holy Spirit. The extra oil in the passage we read in this text indicates the Spirit of God. You need to be extraordinarily filled with the Holy Spirit and the word of God through which you can live above sin and overcome every temptation. The Holy Spirit will enable you to be watchful for the second coming of Jesus.
How prepared are you for the rapture of the saints? Be a wise virgin and be fully prepared for the rapture. Do all the restitution you need to do as quickly as possible.