Living a life filled with gratitude has the power to unlock long-closed doors and open you up to the remarkable possibilities that come from acknowledging a higher power.
Being fruitful applies to all areas of life, including our careers, relationships, personal goals, and overcoming obstacles.
Friend, it's okay to be strange in this world. We were called from darkness into His marvellous light. Why mingle with darkness just to fit in?
You may not always feel like praying, pray still. When you're not in the ‘mood’ of worship, worship still. Even though telling the truth might result to unpleasant consequences, still tell the truth.
1.The new mind in Christ is that which is filled with God's word, renewed continually as it yields to the revealed word.
2. When we feast on God's word, you are feasting on God, because He, God is in His word.
Only in Jesus Christ can you find peace you so much desire in the midst of your challenges. Put your total trust in Him today
Trust in God's divine promises and obedience to his word are sure anchors for our souls.